Monday, May 11, 2009

Quiz 2

I hope I can still remember everything....
There are 2parts, total mark is 16points with 8points allocation for each part..
First part is theory in multiple choice form..
Questions partA:
1. Two disadvantages of stars (communication bottleneck, exceeded requests)
2. Which layer in TCP/IP, routing belongs to (internet layer)
3. Two things that are true about SNMP (version must match, node hosts can't do peer to peer network management)
4. When to increase bandwidth (when ceiling limit has been exceeded)
5. Which two included as IP class C (192 - 223)

Questions partB:
Install new vmware workstation, ubuntu and run it..
Be a root (use sudo bash -l) and start implementing dns..
Create any domain name and don't worry about where it will pointing to..
Testing purposes will only make the use of localhost/your own computer..
Create three entries in your db file (eg: www, email, profile, etc)..
1. download and install vmware and ubuntu
2. open file named.conf in the /etc/bind folder directory
3. copy the "localhost" zone and paste it in the named.conf.local file;
remember to change all localhost with the name of your fake domain
(*bare in mind not to choose domain such as
4. example:
zone "" in {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/";
5. safe it (*in /etc/bind/name.conf.local)
6. copy db.local to
7. again, change all localhost to ""
8. insert the three records you'd like to showed up later (eg: www, mail, profile, etc)
9. restart the service with command: "/etc/init.d/bind9 restart
10. check if it's working using command: "nslookup localhost" , etc..

Well done...
*the db file is tricky.. many students got it stuck cause of the syntax error...!!
*better use db.local for your template and DO NOT change anything from it that is unnecessary

Wish me a good mark, =)

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