Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to set your DHCP services using Ubuntu

This steps given is for setting up DHCP service using Ubuntu..

DHCP is the service needed to assign addresses to hosts at first. Since it is very common in a network not to assign a fix IP address to each host, DHCP can be used to assign the addresses requested by the hosts when needed only. So the idea is to give a dynamic addresses in your network. However, it does not mean that DHCP can not be used to assign a fix IP address to each host.
Usually DHCP is a very basic service needed in every network especially large organization when fix IP addresses is not common to used.

I did it in the virtual machine and it works fine, so it should work on the actual machine as well. For those who knows this field better than me, correct me if there is anything wrong, ok?

1. note that we need to deal with the file dhcpd.conf that usually located in the /etc folder
2. log in as root
3. while DHCP is usually already installed in this ubuntu (virtual machine), you will need to use the command "apt-get update" in order to update your installation's database when it comes to packages to install and their sources on the Internet.
4. for those using other OSs such as knoppix, the command "apt-get install dhcp" can be used to install the DHCP service
5. to start or stop the DHCP service, the command "/etc/init.d/dhcp {start|stop|status|.. }" can be used
As it says, ubuntu seems to be a lot easier to configure DHCP service compare to the others, as it comes along with the service package already...

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