Friday, May 29, 2009

Why we use this services?

Below are the lists of services and feature that the network includes in Moritz Law Firm.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
To enable load balancing and wireless users on the network, DHCP will be
installed on each router. DHCP will assign IP addresses required by hosts inside
the LAN dynamically so that balance traffic for each IP address can be managed.
At least one network administrator on each LAN will have to manage and monitor the
information stored for each IP addresses assigned to a host.

Domain Name System (DNS)
Moritz Law Firm has currently managed a website from its web server in
However the web server will no longer served for static purposes only but
also as the interface for the new system. The new system will make the use of FTP
service to enable file upload and sharing that will be accesses through a browser as
an interface.

Apache - SSL
Apache is installed to serve the web site. It comes along with an SSL features that will enable the creation of a secure and reliable web system (The Apache HTTP Server
Project, 2009). It will then lead the website to make the use of HTTPS to secure the
web pages and its content from unauthorized users. Here users will need to gain a
certificate authority before actually logged in to the system. It will assist the network monitoring at the same time.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
To enable data sharing between the two branches, all files will need to be uploaded to the server. There are times when staff in Melbourne will be required to upload a file to the Sydney server directly or vice versa.
To do so, an FTP server is installed. Anonymous access has been disabled for security purposes so that only authorised users can access and use the server.

Due to the business atmosphere, SSH is installed in the server for data encryption
especially when high level of confidentiality document is about to accessed. This
service will allow users with higher level of authority to access important document.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
SNMP is installed to allow monitoring of the entire network attached devices in the
network that may help the administrator to get through problems quickly (Zend
Technologies Ltd., 2009). SNMP is installed in the server and each workstation will
get act as an SNMP agent so that the network administrator can monitor each devices

To ensure that network traffic is keep in a reasonable load, a network monitoring
traffic is installed. MRTG is chosen since the network employs SNMP which make it
easier to use MRTG. Using MRTG, the network administrator may get a graph showing the traffic load for each five minutes. The OID is set to five minutes to allow time to time monitoring.

The main purpose to install SQUID proxy server is to do traffic filtering which
include some websites access blocking so that only certain websites is allowed to be
access by staff. It is done to keep the load traffic low and in an appropriate use.
Another reason to install SQUID is to do web caching since only few defined
websites is accessible through the network which means caching will be extremely
helpful to speed up the network speed.

Sample named.conf.local file

This one is sample named.conf.local file for DNS configuration.
Edit the name of the zone based on your domain name.
Hope it helps.

***Sample named.conf.local file***

include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";
zone ""
//reverse lookup for moritz
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.1.1.10";

acl trustedhosts
{; //any host from local host
zone "moritz"
//our domain
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.moritz";

transfer-format many-answers;

Sample dhcpd.conf file

Here a sample configuration file for DHCP.
Hope it can be helpful.

Sample dhcpd.conf:
ddns-update-style none;
option domain-name "moritzlawfirm";
option domain-name-servers;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
log-facility local7;
subnet netmask
{ range;
option routers;
host vpc01
hardware ethernet 00:11:11:6d:ee:97;

Moritz Law Firm Network Diagram

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to set your DHCP services using Ubuntu

This steps given is for setting up DHCP service using Ubuntu..

DHCP is the service needed to assign addresses to hosts at first. Since it is very common in a network not to assign a fix IP address to each host, DHCP can be used to assign the addresses requested by the hosts when needed only. So the idea is to give a dynamic addresses in your network. However, it does not mean that DHCP can not be used to assign a fix IP address to each host.
Usually DHCP is a very basic service needed in every network especially large organization when fix IP addresses is not common to used.

I did it in the virtual machine and it works fine, so it should work on the actual machine as well. For those who knows this field better than me, correct me if there is anything wrong, ok?

1. note that we need to deal with the file dhcpd.conf that usually located in the /etc folder
2. log in as root
3. while DHCP is usually already installed in this ubuntu (virtual machine), you will need to use the command "apt-get update" in order to update your installation's database when it comes to packages to install and their sources on the Internet.
4. for those using other OSs such as knoppix, the command "apt-get install dhcp" can be used to install the DHCP service
5. to start or stop the DHCP service, the command "/etc/init.d/dhcp {start|stop|status|.. }" can be used
As it says, ubuntu seems to be a lot easier to configure DHCP service compare to the others, as it comes along with the service package already...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Project Assignment

Haha.. We decided to use "Moritz Law" as our organization name, since we got two Moritz in our group.. LOL

The network will actually be:
Law Company with 2branches, one in Sydney and one in Melbourne. There are a lot of electronic document transfer happening around these two branches. That is why we (our project team: Erick, Harsh, Marcia and me) are hired to configure the network along with its needed services.
The specs are below:
1. 2LANs, each got two computers as hosts and one server
2. Each LAN than is connected to a router that will interact with the other router from the other LAN
3. On the first LAN, we implement DHCP and DNS on its server
4. The second LAN will only got DHCP services installed on it
5. There are more services installed on the LAN as captured in the picture below

*opsie, sumthin wrong, will get back to it very soon!*

Monday, May 11, 2009

Quiz 2

I hope I can still remember everything....
There are 2parts, total mark is 16points with 8points allocation for each part..
First part is theory in multiple choice form..
Questions partA:
1. Two disadvantages of stars (communication bottleneck, exceeded requests)
2. Which layer in TCP/IP, routing belongs to (internet layer)
3. Two things that are true about SNMP (version must match, node hosts can't do peer to peer network management)
4. When to increase bandwidth (when ceiling limit has been exceeded)
5. Which two included as IP class C (192 - 223)

Questions partB:
Install new vmware workstation, ubuntu and run it..
Be a root (use sudo bash -l) and start implementing dns..
Create any domain name and don't worry about where it will pointing to..
Testing purposes will only make the use of localhost/your own computer..
Create three entries in your db file (eg: www, email, profile, etc)..
1. download and install vmware and ubuntu
2. open file named.conf in the /etc/bind folder directory
3. copy the "localhost" zone and paste it in the named.conf.local file;
remember to change all localhost with the name of your fake domain
(*bare in mind not to choose domain such as
4. example:
zone "" in {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/";
5. safe it (*in /etc/bind/name.conf.local)
6. copy db.local to
7. again, change all localhost to ""
8. insert the three records you'd like to showed up later (eg: www, mail, profile, etc)
9. restart the service with command: "/etc/init.d/bind9 restart
10. check if it's working using command: "nslookup localhost" , etc..

Well done...
*the db file is tricky.. many students got it stuck cause of the syntax error...!!
*better use db.local for your template and DO NOT change anything from it that is unnecessary

Wish me a good mark, =)